Want to have winner winner chicken dinner with someone in real life, then you’re at the right place. Here are top PUBG pick up lines that you can use to impress them or begin a conversation with them.
- Are you the M24? I bet all the boys wanna get their hands on you.
- Wanna get kinky in Pochinki?
- Are you a chicken dinner? Because I never get you.
- I’ve got a big rozcok for YOU.
- Your name must be “Military island,” because you got enough booty for a whole squad.
- They call me the pan, you can bang me up all you want I’ll still stay hard.
- What say we head back to spawn island and make its name mean something?
- Are you a crate drop? Because I’d die for you.
- Are you 18? If not I’m about to go to prison.
- Are you zharki? Because I’ve never been to you, but I always think of you.
- Are you a parachute? Because I’d like to open you up for a slow decent 😉
- Are you Bananaman? Because I find you a-peeling.
- Careful baby, I come equipped with an Extended Mag.
- My gear is level 3 if you know what I mean.
- I have Flare Gun!
- Are you military base? Because everyone wants to go for you, but only 10% make it out.
- Are you vehicle physics because you just flipped the fuck out over nothing.
- I’m an AR in a world full of pistols baby.
- Id love to get that Level 3 head from you.
- Are you a medkit? Because I’d love to kit you up.
- Are you an energy drink? Because I’d love to taste you.
- Baby, just call me the blue zone because I’m going to follow you and if I catch you, it’s not going to be good for you.
- Are you stinky? Because I’d love to drop in your pochinki!
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