Discord Pick Up Lines
Here are some top pick up lines which you can on discord while chatting or to break the ice.
Discord Pick Up Lines
Are you a goldfish cracker? cause you’re a snack that smiles back.
I was a vegan till I saw you
Then all of a sudden I had butterflies in my stomach
Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I smile.
Do you like Star Wars?
Because Yoda only one for me!
Are you my neighbors WIFI router
Cause I really wish you were a little bit closer.
Lemme tie your shoes so that you don’t fall for anyone else.
Hey I’m so glad I finally found you..
I’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.
Are you quantum fluctuations
cuz you are giving me a big bang.
hey babe, call me an insurance company
because i know how to fuck people 😉
Are you Dora?
Because you’re ignoring me even though I’m in front of you.
I’m not a weatherman, but I know that you’re getting at least 8 inches tonight…
I like eating in between meals….
So I’m going to call your left leg breakfast and your right leg lunch!
Damn did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause that a** is sweet.
Kissing Is A Language Of Love they said, So How About A Conversation ?
Guess what I’m wearing?
The smile you gave me!
Are you French because Eiffel for You.
On a scale of 1 to 10 you’re a 9 I’m the 1 you need.
Are you a creeper cause you made something in my pants go boom boom boom.
“What’s a girl like you doing in a nice place like this?”
Are you a squirrel?
Because I want to fill your mouth with my nuts.
Are you a car crash, cause I just can’t look away with all the attention on you.
Are you the library of Alexandria?
Cause you’re smoking hot.
Hey are you the polar express because I want to ride you all night long.
Thankyou For Reading Discord Pick Up Lines.
Also Read : Lactose Intolerance Pick Up Lines
Source : reddit